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About me

My name is Parveen Zahid

I am a certified Clinical Reflexologist with a holistic approach to wellbeing.
I have a genuine care for the health and development of my clients.

Before qualifying as a reflexologist practitioner, I studied Chemistry at University, holding a master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry and a PhD in Environmental Chemistry.

In particular, my research has always concerned chemical/environmental effects on health; from my thesis on chromium speciation in the River Clyde to my work in the Royal Infirmary Hospital on Rheumatoid Arthritis.


I have a strong scientific background which equips me with a rational and research-based understanding of how to live well, recognising my client’s wellness and healing as a whole person- body, mind, spirit and emotions. 

From lecturing at the University of Glasgow and Strathclyde University, I found my calling in Reflexology which I completed with the Complementary Therapy School - the only reflexology school accredited by a University in Edinburgh. This was the beginning of a journey of self-development as a practitioner, inspiring me to grow and adapt my skills to specialised areas, and to ultimately help my clients even more.

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